Ch. 002: Daily Life in Lionswill, Britain

'The total value of these gifts, I will not question it because they are to be used in the long run. For myself to show my appreciation to the senders, I must become the best of the best in everything by learning what I can with their help.' Carefully putting aside the box of [AW PM] / [L96 Sniper Rifle] airsoft replica on the side I marked as "for training use" because people say airsoft guns were for practicing weapon manipulation for the real steel version of it while mentally reminding myself to excel even in sniping and be a better person as a way to deliver my payment, I grabbed one of the gift boxes for my sorting and opening.

Looking at it and reading the card, it brought me a smile.

The size and shape of this lightly gift box was some sort of longer rectangle, the same kind of my airsoft L96 gift I unwrapped and sorted earlier. This gift box, according to the wordings of the card, was gifted to me by The Hernandez-MacMillan, Ashe's family.

Ripping carefully the gift wrapper after removing the card for my keeping, I noticed that the color of the thing within was black.

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