Ch. 012: Uninvited Guest (2)

In this cruel world, such excess kindness wasn’t necessary at all!

In that situation, Mu Zhili understood those words more and more profoundly. She had never hurt these people, but time and time again, they would think of ways to mistreat her. Perhaps, they were directing their frustrations at the family’s other young masters towards her. By letting out their anger on her, they were seeking to soothe the unhappiness in their hearts.

But up until now, what had she ever done wrong? She obediently stayed inside her room, never talked back despite being mistreated, and swallowed any bitterness she had inside. Up until now, she had never retaliated.

However, just because they deemed her an easy target, they mistreated her even more? Such a cruel fact made Mu Zhili realize that she wasn’t in the peaceful 21st century anymore but the Profound Sky Continent, where people solved problems with their fists.

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