Ch. 2286: Approach Somebody’s Greatness (4)

Yu Lei expressed so much faith in their Demon Lord that Shen Yanxiao, who was listening, was quite speechless.

“Do you think that the Demon Lord in your mouth is so great to know what happened to you when we are in the distant Storm Continent?" Shen Yanxiao glanced at Yu Lei. Yu Lei's prayer was really not a bit sincere. If she hadn't been here, she wouldn't have known, even if he talked about it for three days and nights.

"Uh..." Yu Lei froze for a moment, scratched his head and said, "Let me just say, since you're like me, why do you want me to take you to those people? Why don't you just go there by yourself?"

Knowing that both the other party and himself were experiments of those people, Yu Lei did not understand why Shen Yanxiao had to drag even him to death by going back there. She could just seek her death alone if she liked to die.

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