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XingJue2 years ago
Why...waaah don't dropped author.. I cry miserable 😭😭
MHarvey132 years ago
Will this ever be updated again?
Mandi3 years ago
Could you please tell us why there is no updates. This so frustrating😣
Tinushka2 years ago
Yeah 😭😭😭
Mandi3 years ago
Please update. It's so upsetting to get into a story and be unable to finish. By the time you update we forget what was the story.
Yueye3 years ago
Please update faster ... Atleast 2 chapters a week or so .. Instead of taking months !!
Anghela3 years ago
Thank you❀️
Tinushka3 years ago
Please can we have more updates? It took too long from the last one 😭At least one chapter a week if not more πŸ™ˆπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
Mandi3 years ago
Please more updates. Its just too long. By the time updates come you forget part of the story as i am reading multiple books.
Feng3 years ago
Came back from 5 months and finished reading updates in less than 30 mins. Please do daily updates 😭
yhoona3 years ago
Tapos na huhuhu i need more. Keep your health good first.
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