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Chingaez1 year ago
This chapter is about the dark days of Hybride is coming because not only we see the unholy alliance between Hydran and the great noblemen, especially Belphegor who is still iffy with his defeat to Hiroto, but also the bad omen from the Emepria Cathedral's holy spirit that keep flickering which Sylferis fears that something bad is happening...and it does-starting with Moldias suddenly falling down.
Chingaez1 year ago
Sorry for the double post by accident here. Anyways, seeing Hydran visiting both Belphegor and Rasmus really indicate how desperate he really is to remove Hiroto and the vampires from political influence in Hybride. How do these people ever think of defeat Hiroto when not even people like Abrahim or Urceus can do so? Read more
Chingaez1 year ago
This chapter is about the dark days of Hybride is coming because not only we see the unholy alliance between Hydran and the great noblemen, especially Belphegor who is still iffy with his defeat to Hiroto, but also the bad omen from the Emepria Cathedral's holy spirit that keep flickering which Sylferis fears that something bad is happening...and it does-starting with Moldias suddenly falling down.
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