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Mercy1 month ago
It seems like she really did like A Heng And from what we've seen so far she doesn't seem like the kind to murder her fiance? But then again we don't really know anything about her so The mystery surrounding dear husband Xiao grows Read more
kahluadragon1 year ago
Fire? Seems like a familiar tactic and the current crown princess was also involved in a fire a ver long time ago yeah?
Emma179 months ago
That's what I Wonder. I'm pretty sure she, her familly and thé crown prince have a hand in the fire. She herself at the vert least knew about it. Otherwise why would thé ml mead remember her telling him to die for her?
Jay Je2 years ago
Thanks for the chapter 😘
JazmineGwapa2 years ago
Thanks for the chapter ☺️
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