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MaverickOfOz1 month ago
Let's be real, the author just wanted to have Jig punch a beast in the future xD And well... This seems to be adding more and more info... But we have kind of sidesteped Shiasha a bit, havent we? Let's hope she comes back to focus now.
FoxReader138041 month ago
man the prices of things are all over the place in this one... the price of their inn was 13k per day, borrowing a book from the library was 150k. a steel weapon was 50k and a good weapon like the katana was said to cost 10mil iirc. i forgot what the price of his actual weapon was tho. now a uber magical glove is 5 times cheaper than the katana and its still too expencive for the guy? Read more Read more their very first kill, the boar, netted them 500k making it seem trivial to be rolling in millions with a bit of effort, yet now he only has less than three times that... his last job paid "40" and then "50" for the extra effort (without any unit specified which was weird). was it actually 40k+50k? getting paid 3-inn-days worth for 1 day of work seems ok for a trivial job or steady employment, but is too low for mercenary work where you wouldn't expect to land jobs every day. i'd expect prices that feed you for weeks or months off a single job in that line of work. but if it was 400k+500k (i.e. the unit was the 10k gold coin he was shown using when paying for books) it is weird how he'd only have 1.2m to spend now. means he was basically broke before this job, yet he just had similar jobs on his last 2 "days off" as well. plus wasn't there supposed to be some compensation from wadatsumi for the brawl too (slave girls aside :p)? Show less
Happy2Read6 months ago
I thought Makuri Core can bring out the power of that demonic beast itself, like Materia from Final Fantasy VII
Solo6 months ago
Thanks for reading and commenting, Happy2Read! Well, since the insect's strength was shockwaves, it technically is
Drane1 year ago
Yeah it seems weird how they use the Makurdi core. It got upgraded to efficient battery instead of a normal battery
Solo1 year ago
Thanks for reading and commenting, Drane! I'm glad it isn't just me who found it weird haha
speedycatfish1 year ago
Thanks for the chapter
Solo1 year ago
Thanks for reading and commenting, speedycatfish! (^ ^)
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