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Chingaez1 year ago
This chapter showcasing how narrow-minded some of Privy Council members truly are despite they ranked second to the king. Nevermind about not letting Hiroto join the group just because of his status or antics that surprises anyone, it seems the vampires are also one of their reason too even though both Hiroto and the vampires have saved the kingdoms for how many times already? For those who had a much experience in politics, these folks don't think a bigger picture do they?
Chingaez1 year ago
Also, it sounds to me that Slyferis's reason for against Hiroto to join the Privy Council is by far the most pettiest of them all. For a vice archbishop who wishes the goof governance of Hybride, have it occured to her about the events outside both Emepria and the Spirit Cathedral? Or what about the Ibrid System that made Hybride unique to all 6 countries in the region? Has either Sobrinus or especially Univestel ever told her about Hiroto at all? Also, also, sorry about the double comment
Chingaez1 year ago
This chapter showcasing how narrow-minded some of Privy Council members truly are despite they ranked second to the king. Nevermind about not letting Hiroto join the group just because of his status or antics that surprises anyone, it seems the vampires are also one of their reason too even though both Hiroto and the vampires have saved the kingdoms for how many times already? For those who had a much experience in politics, these folks don't think a bigger picture do they?
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